Being an island in the Indian Ocean, Madagascar has a seabed rich in fish and seafood including lobster. The latter is known for its fresh, tasty flesh

Being an island in the Indian Ocean, Madagascar has a seabed rich in fish and seafood including lobster.

The latter is known for its fresh, tasty and fragrant flesh. It is a seafood for which the Malagasy have particular know-how for their preparation and cooking.

From east to west and from north to south, the seabed of the Big Island is home to several varied species of lobster that should not be missed. You will find them all year round in the coastal cities but also in the capital, in the great restaurants of Antananarivo. The majority of them benefit from a punctual weekly arrival of lobster in order to satisfy their customers.
Note that the lobsters are transported in refrigerated trucks in order to keep their freshness and flavor as well as possible. Most of them come from traditional fishing so there is no risk of industrial products being added to them.

Once at the restaurants La Varangue, lobsters are prepared differently depending on the house specialties or the mood of the great chefs. The important thing is that they come from the seabed of Madagascar and for that alone, they are worth tasting.

Arrival is done weekly to ensure the freshness of the products used. Little tip: ask restaurants for the arrival date to get the best parts.