Museum more than hotel, art collector more than restaurateur, the owners of the hotel La Varangue combine their profession with their passion for art. Indeed, from the main entrance of the hotel, you
Museum more than hotel, art collector more than restaurateur, the owners of the hotel La Varangue combine their profession with their passion for art.
Indeed, from the main entrance of thehôtel, we wonder if we would not have made the wrong address because instead of the doormen and vast entrance hall, we find ourselves facing an exhibition of old cars. We count in this lot a Peugeot 202, a Citroën 2CV, a Mercedes SL 230 and we pass because the list is quite long.
After this rather surprising collection, we enter the lobby, of medium size but nicely decorated and even more covered with art objects whether in the corners or on the walls.
After the hall, come the restaurant, the corridors and the rooms. Here again, we find ourselves in a universe totally apart where the Malagasy colonial course is highlighted. Indeed, old paintings representing this black era of the history of Madagascar are exhibited there. The majority of the paintings are signed by A. Bary Ravalimanda, a famous Malagasy painter.
In addition to paintings, La Varangue also has several collections of objects of all kinds: phonographs, clocks, various trinkets, lamps, cameras, telephones and even irons.
Impressive isn't it?
These objects have been collected by the owners since the year 2002 and they all come from Malagasy soil. Even today, the owners continue to hunt here and there to increase their already majestically well-stocked collections.
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